Security and privacy software suite that allows the user to monitor a PC, to securely lockdown it, and to remotely administer and monitor a web-based PC
The Activity Monitor will remotely track the screens of networked computers, keystrokes typed, Internet history files and used applications. While the Actvity Logger records all visited URL's, keystrokes typed and applications used to a log file.
CGI script & Pearl script installation services. Professional, competitively priced CGI programming, as well as click through &/or commission based affiliate program software written in pearl. With the option of remotely hosted affiliate program software.
Remotely hosted, configurable, web-based, help desk software that contains trouble ticketing, dispatch, feedback, reporting, and data exporting features. Can be accessed from any PC via User ID and password. Free trial.
Remotely hosted, web-based, point-and-click program for organizing, sharing and archiving files and documents, at any time, from any PC. Designed for marketing departments, product teams, divisions, sales organizations, and outside agencies.
Located in:
Parental control and employee real time monitoring of mobile phone activity, including text messages, call history, audio, camera, photos, videos, contacts, Skype, Facebook Messenger and GPS locations. Option to monitor remotely.