Criminal and family law, bankruptcy, malpractice and a general listing of lawyers and firms in North America.
Permanent and part-time opportunities for lawyers, paralegals, solicitors, barristers and others in the legal sector. Optional email alerts, personal short list, CV templates, free psychometric test, and general job seeking advice.
Community where the general public and legal attorneys can connect with each other for advice and/or discussion, access GetLegal TV shows, view job postings, and search for attorneys by firm, name, location or legal issue.
Reviews of USA attorneys, database of lawyers listed by location and area of expertise, dictionary of legal terms, and legal questions and answers with optional upgrade. Attorneys may register to participate.
Legal recruitment service for lawyers, law firms and businesses at all levels, across all disciplines, and across all legal sectors for in-house, private practice, or temporary contracts.
Services for wills, basic codicil to existing wills, legal advice, power of attorney, probate, elderly care and financial services to residents of Devon, Cornwall, Somerset and Dorset, UK. Free newsletter.
Free legal matching process connecting potential clients with a network of partner law firms and local attorneys across the USA providing professional advice and representation in a wide range of legal matters.
Those in the legal field may post a resume, create a search agent, and research employers. Jobs posted are for attorneys, paralegals and support staff.
Professional downloadable contracts, agreements, handbooks, policies, bills of sale, stock incorporation kits, real estate forms, eviction notices, warranty deeds, and other U.S. legal documents for business and personal use.
Printable legal forms and kits categorized by state. Includes living will, last will and testament, prenuptial agreement, power of attorney, promissory note, and uncontested divorce forms.