Products designed for allergy and asthma sufferers including bedding, air filters, water filters, humidity control products, household cleaning items, sun screens, pet dander wipes and more.
International coverage of pharmaceutical technology projects, A-Z listing of contractors and suppliers indexed by service, and a complete calendar of pharmaceutical conferences, exhibitions and events worldwide.
Located in:
Discussions on treatments, symptoms, medication, doctors and clinics, medical products and other issues related to asthma and allergy, facts and statistics, disease information, advice and assistance for asthma patients.
HEPA (high efficiency particulate arresting) purifiers without UV and germicidal ultraviolet models, which help to eliminate allergy, asthma, sinus problems, second-hand tobacco smoke, mold spores and chemical irritations from the air.
Treatment and procedures for conditions related to ear, nasal, sinus and allergy, throat and voice, sleep disorders, audiology and head and neck problems. Includes snoring, hearing loss, acid reflux, voice care and food allergies.
Quality technical books for engineers and managers on mobile communications, intelligent transportation systems, networking, software engineering, microwave technology, sensors, antennas, and other cutting-edge areas.
Publications from technical and scientific associations such as ASME, API, ISO, AISC, ASNT, IEEE, ASM, ASTM, IMO in the fields of business, computers, contruction, electrical, engineering and technology.