In contact with the Elohim, extra terrestrials. Philosophy where spiritiuality and science meet.
Freshlook colored contact lenses, color enhancers and color blends available with or without vision correction.
Optipac cases in a variety of designs, and disposable, daily, colored disposable, toric, and special effects contact lenses categorized by manufacturer.
Spherical, toric, coloured, multifocal, daily disposable and extended wear contact lenses from popular manufacturers in Australia, in addition to sunglasses, lubricant eye drops and multi-purpose cleaning solutions.
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Toric contact lenses for people with astigmatism, color, daily, weekly and monthly disposable contact lenses with UV-blocking from major brands available with a valid prescription provided by an ophthalmologist or qualified physician.
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Bausch & Lomb, Ciba Vision, CooperVision and other manufacturers of disposable and non-disposable contact lenses along with a large variety of lens types and cleaners.
Proclaims to carry the largest inventory of lenses in the world. Colored, bifocal, vial, toric, private label and other popular types.
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