Solutions for email management. ListManager and ListManagerSQL, Email marketing list management, ListHosting, MailEngine, Mail Transfer Agent and MailShield for email filtering.
International coverage of pharmaceutical technology projects, A-Z listing of contractors and suppliers indexed by service, and a complete calendar of pharmaceutical conferences, exhibitions and events worldwide.
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Quality technical books for engineers and managers on mobile communications, intelligent transportation systems, networking, software engineering, microwave technology, sensors, antennas, and other cutting-edge areas.
Publications from technical and scientific associations such as ASME, API, ISO, AISC, ASNT, IEEE, ASM, ASTM, IMO in the fields of business, computers, contruction, electrical, engineering and technology.
Building controls, technology applications, audio visual and information technology services for hospitals, schools, museums, boardrooms, renovations and new constructions.
Team of technology attorneys represent mid-market to large enterprise companies with software license transactions and disputes, information technology, intellectual property disputes, copyright infringement and IT related matters. Free consultation.
Desktop computing for home, business and personal uses, certification track training in technology and insurance courses for professional development offered to the general public.
Improve company focus, reduce and control operating costs, free internal resources for other purposes, and gain access to world-class experts to deliver sound business solutions based upon Information Technology.
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Ph.Ds, bachelors, and masters degrees, graduate certificates and continuing education. Includes over 40 areas of specialization, such as information technology, education, criminal justice, accounting, and health care administration. Accredited by NCA.