Private yacht charters provide sail on safe, calm waters to exotic tropical islands in Phuket,Thailand, Langkawi, Malaysia, or Burma. A captain, a chef, food and drink included, with diving options too.
A wide selection of quality accommodation in Asian cities such as Bangkok and Kuala Lumpur. All of the hotel listings have pictures, in-depth reviews and a detailed pricing structure.
Travel services to Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore and Myanmar with packages that include hotel accommodation, transport to/from the hotel, tours and special holiday offers.
Luxury serviced apartments for business persons and expatriates traveling to Asia. All apartments are listed with detailed amenities, special features, size, and pictures.
No obligation life and health insurance quotes for American expatriates and foreign nationals living in Asia.
Ergonomically designed office chair that relieves lower back ache by correcting one's posture. Seats are available in fabric, wool or leather, with optional child conversion kits.
International recruitment company which focuses on the Asian job market in China, Japan, Taiwan, and Korea, with some listings for other countries. Listings include job description, responsibilities, and qualifications required.
Precision meter, mix, dispense and pumping equipment for potting, pouring, sealing, encapsulating, glass bonding, foaming, bubble detect, fluid directional control, and other applications.
Over 5,000 images, articles, products and services related to home and commercial design, such as remodeling, building services, pools, appliances, windows, lighting, cabinetry, flooring, hardware, and siding. Videos and newsletters are also available.
Human edited directory and travel reviews of beach, mountain, safari, jungle and rainforest eco-lodges, organic farms, homestays, eco-friendly resorts and other ecotourism resources in Africa, Asia, Caribbean, South and Central America.