Watch clips from or listen to the story of the Jesus film, which portrays his life and death. Also has a "Story of Jesus" for children to view. With over fifty translated versions in various languages.
Gold or silver crosses and crucifixes, christian bracelets, charms and rings, cross earrings, pendants bearing the face of Jesus, and Saint Christopher, Saint Barbara, and Saint Anne medals.
Home Bible studies about the gospel of Jesus Christ and the Christian religion using computer-graded lessons and courses. Topics include Jesus Christ, Christianity, worship of God, the church, salvation, forgiveness of sins and the Christian gospel.
Christian posters that contain God's words - King James Version, Christian leaders, Jesus Christ, Love, Nature, New Testament, Old Testament, Seasonal, Youth, Spanish and The Ten Commandments.
Listen to sermons or purchase Islamic books and audio/video with selected poems and teachings of Islam as well as titles that include: The Promised Messiah, Muslim Prayer, Jesus in India and A Man of God.
An "Apologetics" group, which is evangelical in outlook, with a range of speeches covering topics such as Freemasonry, Mormonism and Cults. Includes: A Zeal for Souls, Apologetics, Sharing Christ with Mormons Parts 1 and 2 and Introduction to the Cults.
Hosted by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, find an extensive record collection to search through. Share information with others through email collaboration lists. With a Family History Library and search center.
Help share the Gospel of Christ with Christian license plate holders and frames with slogans such as: Jesus Rules, The Ark Saved Noah, Seek God in Good Times, and others.
Donations help Jews for Jesus minister to Jewish seekers around the world.
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