Automobile repair manuals for the do-it-yourself mechanic. Almost every make and model of car, motorcycle, bike and truck, as well as restoration, motor sport and maritime subjects, aviation, farm, camping and related topics.
Web based subscriptions and printed repair manuals, restoration guides and tech books for cars, trucks, motorcycles, scooters, ATVs, classic and collector vehicles as well as hobby, motorsport racing and special interest books for DIY enthusiasts.
Clymer, Haynes or OEM-factory repair manuals and maintenance information for cars, trucks, motorcycles, ATV's, watercrafts, snowmobiles and tractors.
Timberline, Wenger, UZI, Colt and other name brand knives, as well as pocket, credit card and mini tools, flashlights, lighters, knife sharpeners and other products for outdoorsmen.