Play chess, watch games, talk to friends, obtain a rating and get assistance. Download a graphical interface or connect through telnet.
Several play modes available: standard, lightning, suicide, bughouse, tandem. Guide, commands, and full documentation on how to start/play the game.
Intelligent chess-playing program with many levels. The game has been tested on several Internet chess servers
Poker sets and tables, mini foosball tables, mini golf, air hockey tables, Chinese checkers, chess tables, boards, pieces, clocks, computers and chess sets, as well as backgammon, Mah Jong and Monoply games. Free web-based chess game.
Play correspondence chess through the web with strict time controls to win money prizes or play against the GNU chess engine. Chat to other players or post a message in the discussion forum.
Simple chess game. Play against the computer on dedicated servers hosting multiple games. Bookmark games and return to them at any time.
Chess community where members are able to watch grandmasters play while discussing the game, play in tournaments, try chess variations, take lessons and play against others from around the world.
Stand-alone or multiplayer Java concentration memory game with free downloadable add-on game sets, and a community for chess players with an archive of chess problems and solutions, a chess directory, and downloadable Grand Master PGN games.
Designed using HTML, Perl, SSI, and CSS, enables users to evaluate their Internet privacy. Along with listings for tools, proxies, tutorials, and related forum with such topics as software review, coding/project, and free Proxy list server & socks server.
Industrial embedded web server based on plugin architecture that provides a secure on-demand system for exchanging files of any type or size, along with integrated plugins, free applications, presentations and tutorials.