Sermons, debates, audio books and archived radio broadcasts from various clergy members for Apologetics. Testimonies from those that have converted are available as well.
An "Apologetics" group, which is evangelical in outlook, with a range of speeches covering topics such as Freemasonry, Mormonism and Cults. Includes: A Zeal for Souls, Apologetics, Sharing Christ with Mormons Parts 1 and 2 and Introduction to the Cults.
Directory of sites for Christians and their families in categories for books, forums, recreational activities, ministry outreaches and many more. Quizzes on virtually every subject in the bible are available.
Donations help with researching the causes of and cures for arthritis, as well as supporting community outreach and education programs in the United States.
Worldwide evangelical Christian church helps people around the world through health programs and services, emergency response, and providing places of worship and social care.
Dr. Robert B. Thompson teaches Evangelical Christians about the coming Tribulation, the End Days, and how to prepare for it today.
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