Free newsletter with self-publishing tips, articles and resources, book marketing secrets and instructions on how to create a self-publishing action plan.
Christian resources for homes, churches and schools: Bibles, Bible studies, music/hymnals, Sunday school, curriculum, tracts, vacation Bible school and worship bulletins for the Lutheran Confessions.
Self-publishing service that allows authors to retain all marketing rights and control decisions. Books can be published in various formats and include one-on-one support, free image insertions, electronic proof, full color cover and other options.
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Publishes textbooks, lab manuals, syllabi and course outlines. Featured subjects are horticulture, classic studies, speech and hearing science, cinema and theater and foreign language studies.
Children titles, picture books, character education books, junior biographies. Also publishes reading programs for adults and children and technical books for machine tool trade. Purchase books or check out the free books and materials section.
Fiction and non-fiction books, prepress and digital printing services with specialized finishing or paper requirements, print on-demand books for self publishing authors, personalized photo gifts, calendars and photo books, photo prints and enlargements.
Church and Christian school furniture, Christian education materials, books and Bibles, gifts, audio-visual, communion and baptismal supplies, and other church supplies and furnishings for Christian churches, schools and not-for-profit organizations.
Professionally designed landscape, faith symbols, or people themed church logos personalized with name of church and choice of color.
Monthly newsletter, sermons, videos, prayer and care requests and groups of a non-denominational church located on the eastside of Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Donations to support the work of ministry and missions of Connect Christian Church are accepted.
Church for adults, youth and kids, with sermons concerning emotions, marriage, character and living a fulfilled life.
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