The Catholic Charities organization provides assistance, leadership, training and other resources to local agencies across America.
A range of items, including: church goods, Bibles, books, CDs/tapes, jewelry, videos and more. Gift certificates available. With each purchase, the Catholic Store will donate part of the profits to a charity of your choice.
Large selection of family-focused Catholic items, including art, books, jewelry, music, scapulars, medals, crucifixes and rosaries. Register to receive site updates and information on sales.
Catholic books and gifts, crosses, crucifixes, rosaries, scapulars, statues and religious art.
Videos, newsletters with prayer requests, a list of suggested shops, magazines and featured books, book reviews, discussion forum, directory, and a Catholic encyclopedia.
Catholic Bibles, religious books, videos, hymns and chants, First Communion gifts, children's missals and jewelry with Eucharistic designs, custom holy cards and rosaries, Franciscan medals, church supplies, liturgical vestments, and patriotic goods.
Catholic books and Bibles, CDs, DVDs, clergy apparel, glass and metalware, furniture, sterling silver and gold jewelry, statues, art, icons, plaques, prints and wall crucifixes, personalized gifts and other Catholic gifts and church supplies.
First Communion and Confirmation wall crosses and clothing; various crucifixes, sick call sets, holy water fonts and bottles, various medals with chains as well as garden statues and fountains.
Religious items and apparel for the lay person and for the clergy. First Holy Communion clothing and gifts, rosaries, wall crosses, holy water fonts, and church supplies such as Mass kits, altar candles, pyxes, cruets and ciborias.
Variety of products which includes such items as: crucifixes, medals, prayer cards, rosaries, stained glass, devotional statues, Bibles, books, votives and videos.