Sourcebooks used for locating public records, including criminal and civil records from thousands of government agencies and record vendors. Internet reference guides to search engines, public records research and more.
Feng Shui, Zen and Chan, Buddhism, yoga, and food and drink videos provided by Shambhala Publications.
Located in:
Self-help psychology, life skills and health publications on relaxation, stress, trauma, grief, anger, addictions, depression, anxiety & phobia balanced living, coping guides, divorce, eating disorders and sexuality.
Spiritual philosophy publications on subjects ranging from astrology, buddhism, health, inspiration, meditation, mythology to religion, self help, spirituality and vegetarianism.
Dianetics and scientology publications, and especially the works of L. Ron Hubbard.
A complete line of cruising guides, fishing maps, celestial navigation, boat design, naval history, kayaking, marine life, sailing, weather, cooking books, sailboat racing, seamanship and other nautical publications.
Facsimile publications, true-to-original reproductions of ancient and medieval manuscripts and general interest books, ranging from books of plates, specialist and art books, history of art, masonica, lexical series and numerous music publications.
Print publication devoted specifically to cruising power boats.
Prep resources, admission requirements, MCAT and publications for students, residents faculty and professionals.
For 25 years, the official printed publication of the Royal Ocean Racing Club, with an international scope.