Using the Medium of Music with CDs, videos and sheet music, to minister to the needs of God's people in Spirit, Soul and Body.
Ethno world-beat, trance dance didgeridoo music, eastern and tribal, and easy listening, relaxation, and meditation compilations on CD and DVD. Sound clips available.
Sheet music for piano, violin, flute, clarinet, oboe, guitar, cello, harp and other instruments by Beethoven, Chopin, Mozart and other composers where members have unrestricted downloads, separate instrumental parts and access to new additions.
Creator of Santorin Records, this is Drum 'n' Bass music that relies heavily on computers. Tracks include: Treasure Island, Fruity, Walking and Year 3000. With the Music & Discography section containing a large selection of full-length recordings.
Lawn care kits, pump sprayers, soil conditioners, Spray-n-grow natural fertilizers for healthier, larger vegetation and flowers, insect repellants, animal deterents, plant health, and indoor pest control products, and composting aids.
Flash player enabled theory lessons on staff, note duration, time signatures, dots and ties, the major scale, and more. Note, keyboard and ear trainers, and utilities such as chord calculator, staff paper and matrix generator.
Located in:
Standard, battery powered and PC-based time clocks, time stamp/date machines, time cards, and wall racks.
Popular supplier of time/attendance systems for small businesses. Includes automated (PC-based) systems, mechanical and electronic time clocks, date/time stamps and automated shift indoor/outdoor signaling systems.
Use the future event planner to calculate any given time between two chosen areas of the world. Get correct and current time for specific areas by choosing countries, major cities, or with a keyword search.
Located in:
Side print, clipper style, cross shift, hand punch and PC based time clocks, as well as accessories such as signal devices, time cards, badges, ink ribbons, ID card printers, perforators, check signers and embossers.