Members receive CLUBMail, the all-color Boston theater and travel catalog of Show of The Month Club. The club reserves the best seats before tickets are sold to the general public. Most shows are offered to members at a discount.
Seasonal bouquet of fresh cut flowers delievered monthly or bimonthly to your door. Each shipment includes a newsletter and detailed information on the featured flowers of the month.
Each month members receive a shipment of different nuts including walnuts, pistachios, hazelnuts or pine nuts with a recipe containing that particular nut.
Every 2-3 months, members receive a pack of different wines coming from 400 different boutiques and wineries of South Africa. Shipments are customizable according to the type of wine most desired. Wines and brandies may also be purchased individually.
Every month members of Beer Club, Wine Club, Flower Club, Cigar Club, Coffee Club, Pizza Club, Chocolate Club and Fruit Club receive a shipment of beer, wine, flowers, cigars, pizzas, chocolate or selections of fresh fruit, respectively.
Members receive CLUBMail, the all-color Boston theater and travel catalog of Show of The Month Club. The club reserves the best seats before tickets are sold to the general public. Most shows are offered to...
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