Database of local Chinese interpreters, translators, tour guides and sourcing agents providing advice, recommendations and other customized services for businesses, corporations and tourists in major cities of China. Free profiles.
Database design and implementation articles, tips, tricks, code samples, Access FAQ's, Access help, and free downloadable database and data model examples.
Small business database marketing resources such as free templates, product reviews, case studies, software, marketing plan checklist, newsletters, as well as free tips and advice.
Introductory Structured Query Language course with easy-to-understand instructions, and practice sessions using a live practice database. Also offers an advanced course.
Software for Database Developers. AppMaker is a generic Windows database application. The package includes a Web Site Builder, a Bulk Mailer, an Install Maker, Sample Learning Database, Help Files And Tutorial.
SQL Server database recovery tool helping users fix and recover corrupted files and database contents for all Microsoft SQL Server editions and repair the entire components of MDF databases without alteration in original content. Free demo version.
Construction cost estimating databases ("costbooks") available both as printed books with a CD inside the back cover and as a download. National Estimator, a software that uses the databases.
CASE Studio is a professional database design tool, designed to create ER diagrams (entity-relationship-diagrams) easily for various database systems--Oracle, DB2, MS SQL, mySQL, Sybase Anywhere, Interbase, Informix, Ingres, Clipper, Paradox
Multi vendor, multi platform database design and synchronization software. Key features include graphic entity relation diagram (ERD) editor, syntax highlighting SQL Query editor, multiple database support, and forward and reverse engineering.
Enterprise data extraction software that automates the process for creating test, development and reporting databases and allows users to create and/or repopulate replica databases, while protecting the proprietary data contained within the source.