Searchable network of local and neighborhood florists, individual floral shops and websites in major cities, states and provinces in the USA and Canada.
Comprehensive listings of florists, hospitals, and funeral homes located throughout the United States. Registered members may add flower shops to the database for a fee.
Directory of florists and flower related services and resources in major cities in the USA.
Cold remedies, ear, eye, oral and hair care, allergy products, family planning, skin and beauty items, minerals, pain and fever relief, lotions, ointments, weight loss, stop smoking aids, and other nutritional supplements and health care products.
Bi-weekly vs. monthly mortgage payment calculators (along with a summary and payment savings). Also with a simple to use '1 Stop Mortgage Calculator Suite' for adding calculators to a website or offline as stand alone software applications.
Nicorette, and Nicotrol stop smoking chewing gums in regular, and mint flavors, as well as teeth whitening gels, skin serums for a youthful appearance, and antioxidant vitamins for better well being.
NicoBlock quitting smoking method contains how-to instructions, a DVD with visual information, and a 2-week supply of NicoBloc fluid suitable for a 20 cigarette-per-day smoker. Newsletter with up-to-date information on quitting smoking is also available.
Electric and manual toothbrushes, toothpaste, dental floss, mouthwash and whitening rinses, oral irrigators, teeth whitening systems, stop smoking aids, denture care products, sinus relief, bad breath, canker sores, dry mouth, and cold sore treatments.
A step-by-step program which provides advice on how to overcome tiredness, learn about the most common causes, and what to do to get energy back into life.
Located in:
Anti-spam, anti virus and email security solutions for multiple email accounts including POP3, IMAP, AOL, MSN and Hotmail. Stop unwanted email and spam at the server, neutralize email attachments, stop viruses and worms from spreading.