Gimpsy Site Promotion Option Agreement - Terms and Conditions

Last updated: 29th of August, 2021

This policy is an integral part of our general Terms and Conditions. All definitions used here have the meaning given to them in Terms and Conditions.


This agreement is between You as a Site Owner, who wishes to pay for the Gimpsy Promotion Option, and the Company. You must read, agree with, and accept all the terms and conditions contained in these Terms. By paying for the Gimpsy Promotion Option, you are bound to these Terms and you indicate your continued acceptance of these Terms.

The full explanation of the Gimpsy Promotion Option is set in the FAQ: Promotion Option. The full explanation on the criteria for accepting or rejecting a site suggestion is set in the FAQ: Suggesting a site. Both of them should be seen as an integral part of these Terms and Conditions.

The Company is entitled to change the above terms and conditions without notice.

Warning: all prices and terms used in the description of the Promotion Option in this agreement, are valid starting from 29th of August, 2021. If you paid before this date, then you should use the prices and terms that were valid at the time of payment.

Site Promotion option description

The Gimpsy Site Promotion option is a fee-based service in which the Company agrees to expedite a review of the suggested site for possible inclusion in Gimpsy.

Paying for a fast review of the website has no bearing on the Company decision. The site will be included in Gimpsy (or refused inclusion) based on its content. Similarly, it does not give the Site Owner any extra privileges regarding the classification of the site, the description accompanying it and such like.

Gimpsy offers the following types of the Site Promotion:

The Premium Promotion

The Premium Promotion provides maximum benefits:

The Standard Promotion

The Standard Promotion provides a valuable service for a reasonable price:

The Basic Promotion

The Basic Promotion provides a guaranteed terms for the review of your site:

Language requirement

The suggested site can be of any language, but English is mandatory. If Your site does not support English, it will be declined unconditionally.

GimpsyBot access

You should grant GimpsyBot access to your site to verify that your site is live. You can find a full description of the GimpsyBot here.

The Company responsibility

By receiving the payment, the Company accepts the duty to review the suggested site and notify the Site Owner of the decision within a pre-specified time. It also entitles the site, should it be accepted, to a specified promotion period within Gimpsy.

If the Company has not made a decision to accept or decline the site within the agreed upon period, the Company will refund in full. If applicable, it makes a partial refund for the declined sites.

No guarantee of inclusion

The Site Owner acknowledges that payment of this fee is only for a timely review of the suggested site and does not in any way guarantee that the site will be included, nor does it guarantee that it will be accepted to the category or categories suggested, nor does the payment guarantee the acceptance of any other suggestions, such as Title, description and such like.

Reviews of listed sites

Once a site is accepted for inclusion in Gimpsy, the editorial team has the right to review the site at random intervals and to make any changes deemed necessary, including the suspension of the site from Gimpsy.

If the Site Owner wishes to make changes to the site listed details after it was accepted, the Site Owner must create a ticket to the Gimpsy support team.

Request for delisting

A Site Owner has the right to request removal of their site from Gimpsy. Acceptance of such a request will not entitle the Site Owner to any refund.